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Uploading a Recipients List


Updated over 2 months ago

A recipients list is a roster of people you are looking to send gifts to whether it be clients or employees. Uploading a recipients list is extremely helpful for bulk gift sends - this way, you won't have to manually everyone's information one by one.

When uploading your recipients list, you can do one of two things:

  • Upload your list to your general Recipients tab

    Think of the Recipients tab as a main roster for you to refer back to and make any updates needed. Since they are on your roster, you can add them to any campaign by searching their name or email.

  • Upload your list to a specific campaign

    If you have a campaign for a special event for a specific group of recipients, uploading the list directly to your campaign is the easiest way to ensure that everyone on your list is included in your gift send. After you upload your recipients to your campaign, any new entries will automatically be added to your main Recipients tab (roster) for future gift sends.

πŸ“ Prepare Your Spreadsheet

First things first - prepare your spreadsheet. When uploading the recipient file, it's important to include the required information for each recipient.
The minimum required information includes the separate fields:

  • First Name

  • Email and/or Phone Number

  • Country (use 2-letter country code)

  • All other fields are optional (ex. Last Name, Employee ID, Birthday, Hire Date, Department)

If you are uploading for an automated campaign, please include

  • Hire Date (for Anniversary campaign)

    • Format: MM/DD/YYYY

  • Birthday (for Birthday campaign)

    • Date format: MM/DD or MM/DD/YYYY

    • You can omit the year if there is no year listed- the system will automatically assign "2001" as the birthyear

  • Hire Date (for New Hire campaign)

    • Format: MM/DD/YYYY

1️⃣ Click "Upload File"

Click "Upload File" on the Recipients tab or the recipients step in the send gift flow.
​Recipients Tab

​Recipients Step in Send Gift Flow

2️⃣ Select/Add Your Spreadsheet

Drag and drop your file to be uploaded or select the "Upload File" button to manually select your file.
Disregard the options from "Actions" through "Transform." These options are not relevant.

3️⃣ Review and Confirm Spreadsheet Fields

Once your file is uploaded, you'll be taken to a mapping screen.
Review and confirm the fields in your spreadsheet (left column) with the corresponding Snappy fields (right column). We can usually detect the correct fields automatically, but it's important to double-check and make any necessary adjustments as needed.

There may be fields in your file that our upload wizard does not have, so please ensure all fields are mapped correctly. Any additional fields that we don't support can be kept blank.
When you're done, select "Continue" at the top right.

4️⃣ Check for Errors

After mapping your fields, Snappy will show you any errors or inconsistencies in your file highlighted in pink. You can fix these errors directly in the mapping screen by clicking on the highlighted cell before confirming your upload.
As a tip, select the "Invalid" button to view only fields with errors.

5️⃣ Select "Submit"

Once everything is all set, click the "Submit" button to finish the upload process. These recipients will also be added to your main Recipients roster if they were uploaded to your campaign.

If any recipients fail to upload, a list of these recipients can be downloaded and re-uploaded after additional corrections are made.

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