Managing Accounts

How to manage your different accounts under your company's Dashboard.

Updated over a week ago

Easily manage your account settings within your Dashboard.

Start by clicking the drop-down arrow next to your name in the top right-hand corner.

Next, select "Accounts" to view or make any changes to your account.

Only account "Owners" can edit the below fields. To find out who the Account Owner is, go to the Account Settings tabManage Users.

Here are some of the sections you are able to update:

  • Create an Account - To create a NEW account select “+ Create Account”

  • Deactivate an Account - If an existing account is no longer being used, you can deactivate the account by clicking on the three dots next to the account name and selecting “Deactivate.” Please keep in mind that any pending gifts can still be claimed and invoice to your account unless expired.

  • Edit an Account Name - To change the name of an existing account, hover over the account you would like to update and then select “Edit.”

    • Note: Managers will also be able to edit the account name under the Account Settings tab

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