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All About Billing & Payments

Common FAQs regarding Snappy's Billing and Payments

Updated over a week ago

📣 Updated Enterprise Terms of Use and Privacy Notice will start on June 1, 2024. These changes include adjustments to Snappy’s refund policy for prepaid funds to better align with applicable laws and regulations.

How are Snappy gifts budgeted and invoiced?

1. You send out gifts

When sending gift choices we estimate the cost based on the selected gift budget, Snappy's service fee, and 10% sales tax.

2. Recipients claim their gifts

Based on the selected gift, we calculate the final price of the item selected, the applicable tax rate based on the recipient's address, and Snappy's service fee.

3. You save money!

Any difference between the estimated and actual gift cost is returned to your balance on the first business day of each month and can be used towards future gift sends.

Snappy’s service fee

Snappy’s service fee includes the utilization of Snappy’s platform to send gifts, the ability to personalize the gift experience, logistics, curation and our customer & recipient support.

Where can I find Snappy’s bank instructions?

Snappy's banking information is included on invoices.

How can I contact Snappy’s Billing Team?

Please email for questions on the below:

  • Questions on an invoice line item

  • Confirming payments were received

  • Forwarding your company's tax exemption certificate

My company is tax exempt. Will the Dashboard reflect this during my gift send?

The Snappy Dashboard will always include a 10% estimated sales tax buffer within each gift send, so please include this amount within your budget when sending gifts. As long as your recipient claims their gift in a tax-exempt state, the gift will not be taxed when it is invoiced the following month.

You can view your invoice breakdown within the Invoice section of the Billing tab.

I have a few questions about how taxes work.

Snappy is not authorized to consult on any tax-related questions, but attached below is a one-pager here that should help provide more clarity on taxes.

Where can I find my invoice?

To review all your past invoices, please log into your Dashboard → navigate to your Billing tab → select the "Invoices" section → filter for the previous month (i.e. Your August invoice will be under July since the gifts invoiced are from the month of July).

The PDF will be your invoice, whereas the Invoice detail will be your invoice breakdown. This report will give you a breakdown of all gifts claimed within the previous month, your recipient's name, which gift was claimed, the tax and fees associated with it, etc.

Where can I find a W-9?

You can download the W-9 below.

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